Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to deliver a sculpture to clients’ home. The couple had seen the piece in the gallery and wanted to have us bring it out to their home so they could see if it looked good in their space and then could decide whether or not to purchase the piece. My gallery director, Elaine, had worked with the clients when they were in the gallery, so I hadn’t yet met them. My father, John, was kind enough to come along to provide some muscle to help move the somewhat heavy and awkward sculpture into the home.
As we pulled up to the large, Taos style home in North Scottsdale (one of the ritziest areas of town), it seemed pretty clear that these were qualified buyers. We already knew that they liked the piece. All we had to do was not screw anything up and it seemed pretty obvious we would make the sale.
I will admit that even after having been in the business for over twenty years, this scenario can still get my adrenaline pumping. I feel in complete control when interacting with collectors in the gallery, but it is a different ballgame when I’m in a potential buyer’s home. Suddenly the buyer has home court advantage!
I knocked on the front door, only to hear our client call from the garage and beckon us over. After introductions he told us he thought it would be easier to access the home through the garage. We unloaded the sculpture from our van and walked it through the garage and kitchen to the dining room, where there was a long, low ledge that looked like it had been designed for the piece. We placed the sculpture and stepped back to see how it looked . . . and it looked awesome! The client had us try it at a couple of different angles before returning it to sit straight on the ledge.
As the husband and wife looked at the piece there ensued a bit of an awkward silence. I don’t mind silence, but I realized that my whole situation felt a bit awkward because I had no relationship with these potential customers – not a situation that puts me in a good position to close the sale.
So I began asking the couple some questions about themselves to break the ice.
“You have a beautiful home,” I said, “how long have you lived here?”
They said they had been in the home for several years.
“Do you live here year-round?” I asked in follow-up. It turned out that the couple is from Iowa, but has this beautiful home in Scottsdale, where they spend the winters. The wife is a recently retired attorney and the husband an active attorney. They explained a bit about how much time they are able to spend in Arizona each winter.
Then my father hit on the perfect subject. “Those are beautiful Ed Mell pieces,” he said, referring to a sculpture outside the window and a piece above the fireplace.
The clients suddenly blossomed. They began showing us around their home, proudly pointing us to a number of pieces they had acquired at auction or through galleries. The collection included a number of famous artists – Thomas Hart Benton, Joseph Henry Sharp, Gerard Curtis Delano, and others. They were excited to show of their collection to an audience (us) that could appreciate it.
After taking an informal tour of their home, we returned to the dining room where the piece we had brought was waiting.
We talked a little about the lighting (I suggested they could add a fisheye fixture to one of their existing recessed lights to provide some direct light to the sculpture).
I then asked them, “Has the piece found a home?”
They looked at each other and I saw a brief nod pass between them. There was a brief negotiation on the price (that would be a subject for another post) and the husband went to write a check for the purchase.
We left their home congratulating them on their new piece, and they thanked us and asked us to let them know when the artist would be in town for a show.
Not a bad day’s work.
Considerations when Delivering Artwork to a Client’s Home
If you’ve had the opportunity to sell directly to art buyers, either through your studio, gallery, or a show, you’ve probably found yourself in a similar scenario. Selling to a client in her home can be a challenge, but getting the art into the client’s home in the first place is more than half the battle. I have several suggestions that might help you the next time you find yourself with your art in a client’s home.
- Scout out the space before you take the art into the home. I actually didn’t do that in this case because the client was already in the garage and had pre-scouted the best route for us. In most cases, however, it’s a good idea to try and get the lay of the land and find any obstacles before you take artwork through the door.
- Take extra care to make sure your shoes are clean and free of debris so you aren’t tracking mud across your client’s floor. I’m not afraid to take of my shoes, if necessary, to avoid making a mess. Which leads me to:
- Make sure your socks don’t have any holes in them! I know this sounds silly, but muddy shoes aren’t the only reason you might be taking your shoes off during an art installation. I have had to climb on couches and beds, mantles and tables to install artwork over the years. It’s often easier to take your shoes off than it is to move heavy furniture. It’s a good idea to pick your best pair of socks when you are getting dressed on the morning of a delivery. So how’s that for some practical advice!?
- Compliment the clients’ home. It’s a small thing, but art collectors have often put a lot of effort into creating a beautiful home. Trust me, they will never tire of being complimented on their efforts. You can make your compliment even more sincere by commenting on a particular detail you like. “Gorgeous stonework,” or “What a view!”
- Ask questions. Without being too intense, you can ask “getting to know you” questions of your potential buyers. Questions are a great way to break the ice and get a conversation started. “How long have you lived here?””Where are you from originally?””What drew you to this house when you first discovered it?” All good questions to get started.
- Notice and comment on the client’s art collection. As I mentioned above, this really started a great conversation in our delivery. People love to show off their collection, and as an artist or gallerist, you are in a position to truly appreciate the art. You should be sincere – if you don’t like the art, you can skip this suggestion altogether. Better to say nothing at all than to be insincere.
- If you make a mess, clean it up. I always make sure that we have cleaned up the area where we have installed the art. If you’ve had to drill, make sure you clean up the drywall dust.
- Ask permission to take a photo of the piece. Photos of your art in a collector’s home are worth their weight in gold. If you can find a way to do it naturally, you might also try to get a photo of yourself and the collector with the art.
- Don’t linger too long. After the installation is done or the sale closed, wrap things up. Congratulate your buyer and thank them for their business, and then hit the road. You don’t want to overstay your welcome.
What Do You Think?
Have you had any great (or miserable) experiences delivering art to a client’s home when they are deciding whether or not to buy the art? What have you learned? Do you have any questions about the process that weren’t addressed here? Share your thoughts, experiences and questions in the comments below.
If a photograph is worth its weight in gold… and it’s digital… how much gold might that be? 😎😁
Very good advice. I worked in a Gallery and sold a piece while the owner was out of town on a buying trip. I decided to take the piece to the buyer ‘s home because they wanted to see how it looked in their home. I was very careful about the whole process. They had a lovely home in a posh neighborhood. I held the painting up in the location they had chosen as they looked at it. Then they went off to discuss things. When they returned they were smiling. It was an easy sale because I had delivered the piece to their home.
My boss was delighted when he returned.
Very good advice! There have been times I have been asked to do a custom painting for a specific space, and although each piece was custom and paid for in advance, I felt that delivery was a huge part of the process. There is a drama to the installation that cannot be overlooked. That being said, I feel it is critical to be a humble and polite guest when delivering; it is not a theatrical show, but a meeting of like minded people who love art. Building a real relationship is important as the collector may have other spaces in need of something beautiful!
I have noticed over the years , that when you enter a client’s home with a work of art, the dynamics typically change than when they are in the gallery. They usually feel they are in control and have more leveraging power. I personally never leave the work longer than a few minutes for them to see it in their environment. I let them know it is for security reasons, and contractural agreements with the artist. I always make sure that I am dressed professionally and that my assistant is dressed appropriately as well. White cotton gloves not only protect the artwork, but also tell the client that “this is a work of value.” If they are serious collectors, it is usually apparent, and they always want you to know it. Be complimentary of their artwork and their taste in art, however don’t gush over it. You want to give the impression that your work of art is worthy of fitting in with their existing collection. Make a casual statement like: ” I like the way this work compliments your (name the artist) on the other wall”. Sometimes simply a nod and “Beautiful!” are enough. If the work you are offering is stronger, more dramatic, more controversial and you can see the buyer struggling over that, I offer something like: “You have a nice collection of some very beautiful work, however I can guarantee you that this particular work is the one that everyone is going to be standing around at a cocktail party and talking about.” If the work is a real strong piece and you detect that they have reservations as to it’s placement in their home, then a casual comment like: ” I like the way this work quietly sets the tone for this room…It’s beautiful there.” Notice I use the word “quietly”. I never accept food or anything to drink until I have made the sale, and have payment in hand. If I do accept something to drink or eat at that point, I do not linger long.
Re: #6 People like to teach. I have learned a lot about art by asking people what they like about a particular work or artist, especially work that I find challenging (or outright repulsive) in some way. I ask in a sincerely interested, rather than an “ew, how could you,” way because I am sincerely interested. I’m not necessarily looking to be persuaded but sometimes I have been given a way to appreciate things that didn’t immediately appeal to me — even if I still wouldn’t want to live with it.
I had a recent experience like this with a collector. He came to my studio and selected a certain piece with another one in mind for a possible later acquisition. I went to his very beautiful home and was excited to see his collection of other artists works- some very well known. The piece he’d selected was one of my personal favorites and though he paid a good price for it I was not thrilled about letting it go- until I saw it in it’s new home amongst the works of fellow artists. It reminded me that although there is a monetary element to creating art the main drive is creating something others will enjoy.
All excellent advice. I’ve had to stand on beds to install art- always glad I had clean feet!
Great story , and so nice that you made the sale , everyday is a learning experience.
Thank you all for great advices. Congratulations for the successful sale and great pointers.
Your story of the sculpture delivery was instructive and entertaining. I remember delivering a commission to the client’s home and doing the installation of drywall screws and hanging the paintings – it was a large diptych landscape placed on a wall that had an obtuse angle, thus the necessity for a split canvas.
My comment is more about the nature of the visit, since I was the artist they had contracted and paid the deposit already – not a gallery person representing an absent artist. So the time spent in their home was more easy and friendly. Though I was also certainly aware that I needed to be well groomed, neat, clean up the install dust, and not overstay the reason for the visit.
Oh my goodness, holes in your socks!?! 😆 I feel like you aren’t telling us something, like – you totally took your shoes off and had a hole I’m your sock, didn’t you!?! 😆 😂 😆 Omg. Hilarious. Note to selves, get rid of all your socks with holes in them. Lol. Thank you for that laugh! & North Scottsdale is so beautiful. I loved living out there. Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art was my old stomping grounds. Gorgeous park right there too. Such a great arts community.
Thanks for sharing the Do’s and Don’ts! Very helpful.
Question: How do you handle a situation when the Client is unsure about the piece you brought ?
Working in high end residences, I found bringing disposable paper booties (like doctors and nurses wear in the hospital) indispensable .
But I ALWAYS made sure I had on great socks.