The Mindset Shift to Achieve Financial Success as an Artist

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with a group of art students at a university about the gallery and art business. During the Q&A session, one of the students…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: What’s the Best Time of Year to Contact a Gallery?

In this week’s session, I answer a question from Alicia in Colorado about the best time to approach a gallery. I share my thoughts on the matter and provide some…

9 Tips to Help You Better Manage Sporadic Cash Flow in Your Art Business

Managing cash flow successfully is one of the greatest challenges for any small business. It is a particularly difficult issue for artists and galleries where sales often spike and dip. Artwork doesn’t tend to sell in regular patterns, and because of the high value of many pieces of artwork, when sales do occur they often cause a real spike in an artist’s or gallery’s income.

This irregular cash flow can cause logistical (and emotional!) problems for those of us in the art business. I would like to share a few things I’ve learned over the years about managing cash flow in the hopes that my experience might help make you a better manager of your cash flow.

Boost Your Art Sales: Proven Strategies to Grow Your Art Business

There’s no shortcut to building a successful career in the art world. Whether you’re an artist or a gallerist, you’ve likely realized that this is not a get-rich-quick kind of…

Hot Take: Why Artists Should Focus On Quantity Over Quality

Occasionally, I get into trouble by suggesting something that stirs up controversy among RedDotBlog readers. I suspect this post might put me in a little hot water, but this is…

Mastering the Art of the Greeting: How to Engage Potential Customers and Boost Art Sales

  As a gallery owner, I’ve learned that greeting potential customers is one of the most crucial aspects of running a successful art business. Whether you’re in a gallery, at…

The Hidden Meaning of Velazquez’s “Las Meninas”

The Painting Diego Velazquez’s “Las Meninas” is one of the world’s most iconic and well-known paintings. Painted in the mid-17th century, the work is a masterful example of the Spanish…

Gallery Shows: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In a recent Art Business Academy Q&A session, we discussed the ins and outs of gallery shows and receptions. I thought I would share some of the key points here,…

Why Politics and Art Sales Don’t Mix (Hear Me Out)

Is it just me, or does it seem like we’re stuck in a constant election cycle? It feels like there’s always something to be enraged about, and no matter where…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: How Do I Attract Buyers to My Gallery?

In this week’s session I answer a question from Damon in Delaware: “I have owned my own gallery for about a year and a half now, where I sell my…