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Navigating the art business can be difficult and confusing. You will often run into complicated situations and have unanswered questions about the best path to choose. Reddotblog was created to help answer some of those questions, but we realize you have many more. This page is designed to give you a forum where you can ask those questions and get answers. Ask a question here and get an answer from an art business expert, or from a member of the artistic community. You can also help your fellow artists by responding to their questions when you have an insight.
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- Keep it civil. We are trying to foster a community that helps it’s members. Many of the members of this forum are just beginning their careers, so let’s all stick to the philosophy that there is no such thing as a stupid question. There is absolutely no room for trolls in this forum.
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Welcome to the forum!
I have had a question come up this last year. I am in a store in Eastern Oregon, sold 11 of my mosaic cowboy boots last year there. I asked them by law here in OR to please keep track of who is buying my art and since they are over $100.00 they are obligated by law to send me the name, address of the clients.
But they told me that is not in there policy to do that and to come get my art and that they they would pay me for the one that got damaged. I wonder if this is something I can file a suit to them for and what is you policy Jason on buyers list?
I just want to know where my buyers are located to see if I have flooded my market in A certain aa. I also would like this list to send a thank you to clients who purchase my art. another Eason is to send future show mailing to those clients who have already shown an interest in my work. What are you thoughts on this situation Jason? I will try to send along a copy of the state law for you to read
thank you so much