As a gallery owner or artist, you are likely to have the opportunity to deliver and install artwork in clients’ homes. In today’s session, I’ll share some insights and experiences related to the delivery and installation process.
Resources for today’s video:
List of tools: https://reddotblog.com/installing-artwork-for-clients-the-personal-touch-2/
How to hang artwork: https://reddotblog.com/how-to-hang-a-painting-a-free-guide-from-xanadu-gallery/
Do you consider photography as art??
Thanks, Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your time and experience that you share here.
Great post, Jason, thanks. I especially like the suggestion that one has an opinion on how and where the artwork should be placed.
Another thing I would add to the “tool box” would be a clean, canvas drop cloth as well as a clean, padded packing blanket, for setting items on the floor or if you have to lean something against a wall. And never drilling into a wall without something to catch the dust.
One critical thing I’ve learned when going into a finished millionaires (or billionaires, for that fact) homes, always have disposable cloth booties to slip over your shoes. Though not necessary, this gesture will be appreciated. At the very least, make sure you have clean socks (no holes!) so if you opt to slip off your shoes, their will be no surprises.
George Radwan, your collection of doors is strong and full of character/stories and your description/explanation is powerful! Perfect and powerful.
Reminds me of a collection of doors and windows I started via photography in 2014 because I love how doors talk and windows give light. Just remembered now as I saw your work.
Your doors are full of “what’s next?” energy. I love them! Beautiful is not even the word I would choose, they are deeper in meaning than that. Every one of them has a unique inspiration which it emits. I love them!
After this description of how much goes into actually hanging or placing the work for clients so that it works best for their space and adds the value it is meant to add to the decor, all I would like to say is, as serious as I am about art, I have been taking my work for granted. I have a specific view about the use of art and if I had seen this aspect of it before, I would have put more energy into producing art for sale. Also, as it is said that a good workman never blames his tools and I listen to how you are so prepared and knowledgeable about your installing of art, I can say that from your end you add value to the artists work. Makes a harmonious threesome…the artist, the buyer, and just as important, the knowledgeable and skilled installer. Because if a piece of artwork is not properly hung- place, light, view, position, harmony with other elements in the space so that it tells its story well and gives character to the space, builds positive energy and starts conversations (even if only between itself and its owner) delivers news and views, or just sits quietly and refreshes or adds ambience to the space…then much of the artist’s work will not receive its correct value except perhaps the price it was bought at. Along with the monetary value, all the other values of art must be considered. That’s my view.