Myths and Misconceptions of the Art World | Myth #3 – People Need to See Art In Person to Buy It

The art business myth I’m going to tackle today is that art buyers are unlikely to buy online because art needs to be seen in person to be truly appreciated….

Myths and Misconceptions of the Art World | Myth #2 – Art Sells Itself

In my last post, I shared my thoughts on the health and vitality of the art market. I believe that the art market is the strongest it’s been in some…

Myths and Misconceptions of the Art World | Myth #1: Art Doesn’t Sell Anymore

There are many myths and misconceptions about the art business the are perpetuated by artists, gallerists, and collectors. Over the next few posts, I’m going to share my thoughts on…

Myths and Misconceptions of the Art World | Myth #4 – Lower Art Prices = More Sales

I am the first to admit that art pricing is one of the greatest mysteries of the art business. Valuing art is more akin to alchemy than it is to…