Managing cash flow successfully is one of the greatest challenges for any small business. It is a particularly difficult issue for artists and galleries, where sales often spike and dip. Artwork doesn’t tend to sell in regular patterns, and because of the high value of many pieces of artwork, when sales do occur they often cause a real spike in an artist’s or gallery’s income.
This irregular cash flow can cause logistical (and emotional!) problems for those of us in the art business. I would like to share a few things I’ve learned over the years about managing cash flow in the hopes that my experience might help make you a better manager of your cash flow.
1. You Need Cash Flow Before You Can Manage It
First, I think it is important to note that for many artists, and also for many galleries, one of the most crucial issues to solve first is to create cash flow by generating sales. None of what I’m going to share today is going to be particularly useful to you if your total annual sales don’t generate enough profit to cover your costs. No amount of clever management is going to solve your problems if there simply isn’t enough cash to meet your expenses. If your sales aren’t where they need to be, job #1 is to generate more sales. I’ve written extensively about how to generate more sales (see the archives of this blog or my books), but the main keys are to produce inventory and get out there and show your work as much as humanly possible (in galleries, shows, etc.). In other words, hustle!
Even if you aren’t generating the sales you would like at this point, it would be wise for you to begin thinking about how you will manage your money when sales do increase. Put your cash flow plan into practice now so that you are prepared and have good habits established for the day when you are selling more work.
2. Develop a Cash Flow Plan
As you develop a stream of sales it is critical that you implement a spending plan. You need to understand exactly what your monthly expenses are and when all of your bills are due. It’s a good idea to have an exact number in mind when you think about your total expenses. Saying, “I need to generate $2,500 per month in order to cover all of my expenses” will then give you something very concrete to work toward.
Try to set up routines that allow you to have consistent time to stay on top of your books and pay your bills.
3. Prioritize Your Expenses
While it’s important to stay on top of all of your expenses, it’s also important to recognize which of your expenses have the highest priority. This is particularly true during slow periods when there may not be enough cash to go around. At times like these it’s important to be able to look at your expenses and say, “I first need to buy supplies so that I may keep producing – I may be evicted from my studio, but I could paint in the basement if that happens. A studio doesn’t do me any good if I don’t have canvas and paint.”
Only you can figure out what your highest priorities are, but it’s important to prioritize your expenses before you run into a cash crunch, otherwise you will be tempted to pay your urgent bills before your important ones (and there’s a big difference between urgent and important).
4. Learn to Negotiate Your Bills
Which leads to the next principle – learn that your suppliers and vendors may be willing to work with you when your sales slow down. Obviously, it’s best to stay on top of your bills and never get behind. When that’s not possible, however, you may need to talk to your vendors and suppliers and ask if they can give you some leeway in paying your bills. Sometimes a vendor with whom you have had a good relationship will extend you informal credit by allowing you to partially pay and partially defer your payment. During the financial crisis in 2007-8 we were fortunate to have vendors that were willing to work with us and allow us some breathing space when paying our bills. Remember, you’re no good to your vendors if you are out of business.
It’s also important to remember, however, that negotiating your bills should not be a regular tactic. Cause too many delays, and you go from being a valued customer to being a deadbeat.
5. Try to Equalize Your Spending
Just as slow-downs can be a problem, a sudden windfall of sales can be a problem as well. When sales do come, they often come in clusters (not necessarily from the same sources but just by coincidence at the same time). Suddenly your bank account is awash in cash – a feast after a time of famine. If this comes after a slow period, you may feel tempted to quickly pay off your lingering bills and buy that new doodad you have been waiting on for so long. Before you know it, your bank account is right back where it started and you are scrambling again. Instead, I would encourage you to spend your money slowly and methodically. If you are saving up for a major expense, don’t suddenly dump all your money into a purchase. Instead, continue contributing to your savings at a regular pace. Having cash on hand gives you stability.
As an example, let’s say you would like to buy a new delivery van for hauling your art to shows, galleries and for client deliveries. You’ve shopped around and know you can find a used van that will suit your needs for about $7,000. When you suddenly make a $10,000 sale you are going to be sorely tempted to go out and buy the van. Instead, I would encourage you to save slowly and steadily. Try saving a regular monthly amount toward the purchase – say $700 a month. Now, when you make a big sale you have cash in your bank account to fund the monthly saving toward the van, but you also keep more cash on hand to stay on top of your expenses and deal with slow-downs in sales.
This approach to spending has been one of the most important things I have learned after having been in business for myself for 13 years.
This approach has an added benefit. There are many times when I decide I need some shiny new dumaflache desperately. I start saving toward the purchase and then, a few months in, decide that I actually don’t need whatever it was I thought was so critical when I saw it.
Even if I do end up deciding to make a purchase when I’ve saved enough, there is something very gratifying about having saved up for it instead of having rashly splurged on it.
6. Save Automatically
If you are saving for a purchase, I encourage you to move the money for the purchase out of your general checking account and into a separate savings account where you will be less tempted to raid the funds during a slow period. I have also found that it is hard to save if I have to rely on myself to regularly move money into the savings account. Several years ago I discovered Capital One 360 – an online bank geared toward saving that allows you to easily, and automatically (if you wish), transfer money from your checking to savings account. You can set up weekly or monthly transfers that take the work out of saving. I like to break my saving deposits into weekly amounts so that they seem smaller.
Another advantage of this online bank is the fact that they allow you very easily to set up multiple savings accounts that you can transfer money into automatically. Whenever I have a new item I want to save toward I just start a new account and name it the same as the goal I’m saving toward.
This automatic saving is incredibly powerful. I promise you will save more money by doing small regular investments than you will by saying, “I’m going to save as much as I can, whenever I can.”
7. Avoid Debt
The flip side of saving is credit and debt. Just as saving can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you build your business, debt can have the same power to hinder your business. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when building a business that credit can be a powerful tool. Credit can be leveraged to help you buy expensive tools or set up your studio. Credit can help you ramp up your marketing or take on large projects you wouldn’t otherwise be able to undertake. I couldn’t have started my gallery without credit. While I’m not one of those who feel that credit and debt are completely evil and are to be avoided at all costs, I do recognize the crippling effect debt can have on a business.
While credit can allow you to do things you would be otherwise unable to accomplish, debt creates drag on your monthly cash flow and can eventually drag your business under if you are not careful. Even if it doesn’t it has other negative effects.
For a time I had a commercial line of credit with my bank. When I got the line of credit, the bank sold it to me as a great way to stabilize cash flow. When sales were slow, they said, I could draw on the line of credit to make up the shortfall. Though it seemed like a great idea at the time, I quickly discovered something interesting. Suddenly, it seemed like I was constantly having slow times that required me to draw on the line of credit, and when sales picked up, they never picked up quite enough for me to pay down as much as I had used from the line. Before long I had built up quite a debt and maxed out the line. Now, not only could I not use the line during slow times, I had a monthly payment that added to my monthly overhead. I looked at the situation and realized my folly. I decided I was going to pay down the line and never use it again. I redoubled my efforts, tightened the belt, and started paying off the line of credit. It took several years to completely pay it off, but once I did there was a sense weight having been lifted off the business.
If sales slow down in the gallery now, I just work harder and increase them. I’ve realized that there’s just no way out of the work – I can either work harder now and get ahead, or, with debt, I can wait to work harder until the debt mounts and then have to work even harder because of the interest that is accumulating.
My bank is always trying to get me to take another line of credit, and it’s very satisfying to tell them, “No thanks, I don’t need it.”
Credit cards offer an even more dangerous path to debt because they are so easy to use.
Again, I absolutely understand that there are times when credit is useful and can help businesses grow, but I try to find other ways to finance our growth.
8. Keep Your Production Steady and Your Sales Pipeline Full
Another important factor to keep in mind is the very human tendency to relax when things are going well. When you have good sales the sense of urgency you felt when you were starving for sales diminishes. As the sales roll in, you start focusing on dealing with the logistics and paperwork that surrounds them. If you aren’t careful, you can very easily neglect your production and sales pipelines, setting yourself up for a future drop in sales. Try to equalize your production and sales efforts just as you’ve equalized your spending.
9. Give to Charity
Finally, I encourage you to find a charity and devote a fixed percentage of your sales to the charity. Giving back to the community will make you feel more connected, keep you from becoming too self-centered, and has, I’ve found, a positive impact on your cash flow.
I was recently in the act of writing out a check for a non-profit that I donate to regularly when the phone rang. Out of nowhere, seemingly, we made one of the largest art sales we’ve had in the gallery this year. Coincidence? Perhaps. I’m one of the least superstitious people I know, but I’ll take all the karma (or blessings, or coincidence) I can get!
How Have You Managed Your Cash Flow?
What have you learned in managing your art business cash flow? Do you disagree with anything I’ve said in this post? What are your biggest cash flow challenges? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.
I love this advice. I had a similar experience with a line of credit from the bank. never again! It was a great experience of self-deception in thinking about security . Also, Jason’s advice to give regularly a percentage to charity may be counter-intuitive, but it is true: it seems to help generate a positive cash flow. Since I use stacks of paper in my artwork, I have chosen to give back to “One tree planted” charity. There are many many good ones out there. If I have the name and address of the buyers, I send them a ceritifcate/notice. If not I send it to the gallery and ask them to let the buyers know. It is a very good practice.
thank you for this excellent , concrete advice!
Thank you for this vauable advice, will implement all 9 tips! I just became an independent full-time painter, so this came at the right time for me.
Since I am no longer attached to a specific gallery, I require my own stimulus to drum up business.
I was not in time for the recent pop-up market, but am now scheduling myself for the Christmas crafts fair, which is always well attended. I hope to set up a “square”, so that people needn’t worry about cash.
I am also aiming to arrange an art auction to raise funds for the local group which maintains and creates our trails. Locals and visitors alike love them.
Great article Jason, thank you!!
You are so generous with your knowledge. Thank you!
Leslie Neumann
I’m on the verge of opening my studio/gallery space, here in St. Petersburg, Fla. I’ve been a professional artist for many years, but am still nervous about taking on added debt. I had a large in home studio for years, but now in retirement I’ve downsized. Any ideas, pro or con?
I agree whole-heartedly, Jason, that ‘keeping on keeping on’ and hard work seems to reward the artist. Also, I too have noticed the positive effect that giving to a charity has. It just seems uncanny how this
giving seems to result in more sales. I am happy to follow this procedure and I somewhat consider my work and the charities I choose as ‘business partners’. One seems to help and affect the other as in successful teamwork! I like to offer anyone who’s photos I’ve been given permission to use a finders’ fee as well and this too seems to encourage future sales. Thank you, Jason for all of your excellent information !
Thank you
Great tips! So great you were donating When the huge sale came in – they say you cant outgive God! Thanks!
What a well-timed article, Jason!
I’m just approaching my busy season for murals, and at the same time, my reserves are still at a respectable level. We are not lacking for anything important because a few years ago I implemented a strategy that has worked well for me.
I find that allowing some well-planned rewards is very motivating.
About two-thirds of the way through my busiest season, when cash is still pouring in from mural work, I set most of it aside in a separate account, and transfer some to retirement savings. Then I plan how much I will pay myself each month between then and the start of the next year’s busy season, and I stick to that amount. At the end of every large project, my husband and I treat ourselves to ONE night out at a restaurant and maybe ONE household item we have pre-determined as a need. At the end of the busy season, I purchase ONE piece of new equipment that I’ve pre-determined as a benefit to boost the business. (Next up is a good camera for imaging my artwork).
Then out of each month’s pay, I make a strategic shopping trip for oil painting supplies, but only when they’re on sale. This way, by the time we get into the ‘low-tide’ season for murals, I have plenty in reserve for monthly expenses, plenty of canvases, paints, and brushes already front-loaded, etc.., and even enough to allow some small pleasures. This also allows me to focus on building my inventory of oil paintings without having to worry about running out of supplies or running out of cash before the next busy season.
Those small pleasure and other well-timed rewards help keep both me and my husband motivated. Having your partner on board with pretty much anything you ask is…well, you can’t put a price tag on that, can you?
Such helpful advice thank you Jason –
In regard to point 9, is it best to choose one charity and build up a strong relationship and loyalty over time, or devote to a variety (same amount just a wider selection of recipients) ?
Thank you in advance
Great information! Thank you for the insight. I look forward to your blogs.
Practical and timely advice, Jason. Thank you.
My business includes both fine art and mural painting. For now, the murals are my bread-and-butter work with the oil paintings taking their sweet time catching up.
But mural painting is still a feast or famine thing. I just experienced an unusually long famine. Several months of hustle and a lot of prayer later, I just landed a fairly large project that should fund me for quite awhile…IF I am careful. So here’s my plan, which I’ve done before quite successfully:
Once I am paid, and once I have accounted for monthly expenses, I will divide my profit by 12 and then pay myself only that 1/12 amount each month. This will help me ride out any slumps, even a long one like I just experienced.
Thanks for the great article. I am just getting started in the art world so I still have a day job. I have been tracking vs. spending. I found your tips helpful and have thought about a lot of this as I get started. I am hoping to pivot to being a full time artist in a couple of years, so now I am saving as much money as possible for a financial cushion when I do make the switch.
I agree that it is terrible to owe too much credit card debt. I try to pay off my credit cards as soon as possible because they can get out of hand. I usually put money away into a 401k for a rainy day and future retirement. I have dipped into mine this year a little to pay off debt. Financially, this year has been a struggle.
I also have planned a reward trip for November to go to Los Angeles. I want to check out art galleries and the Getty Museum to re-energize my art output and see new things. It is good to see what is out there.