If you haven’t had a chance to read Gail Levin’s book about Lee Krasner, I would highly recommend it. I would like to thank Ms. Levin again for sharing her insights into Krasner’s life with me in this interview.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the interview and Krasner’s work if you’re familiar with it – leave your comments below.
You can find Levin’s Book at Amazon.
Gail is a sincere spokesperson. Her heart felt understanding of Lee Krasner’s life and work is very obvious in her words and voice vibes which convey loving sincerity.
I did not read the book but Gail did confirm that without Lee Krasner Jackson Pollock would not be who he became.So in that sense she’s is more important than him because she was already a success before she met him. Pollock took the limelight and ran with it .
I would have loved to hear her interpretation of the Pollock film and how true to life was it?
It was a very good Interview.
Jason, you are doing great work. The abstract Expressionism movement is still alive and I am so grateful to embrace it 24/7 in Asheville NC
We met during the workshop you gave in Asheville, a year or two ago
It was a succinct, informative interview. Future interviews might benefit from attention to audio quality. Jason, your microphone was very loud; Gail’s considerably softer. This imbalance distracted form an otherwise rewarding experience.
Wow! Did I ever learn much new information from your interview with Gail Levin! Studied Jackson Pollock in college when majoring in Art but did not know anything about Lee Krasner..but now I know quite a bit, and am motivated to get the book and find out more.
Thank-you so much for making this interview open for us.
Good to hear the author’s thoughts. I am looking forward to reading this book. Her role in the Abstract Expressionist movement is possibly the most important of all. But she also should be well recognized as the artist that she was in her own right. Thanks, Jason, for posting this.