Striking the Perfect Balance: Artistic Integrity and Commercial Success
In the dynamic world of art, artists often find themselves at a crossroads between staying true to their artistic vision and seeking commercial success. Through my experience in the art…

Collective Wisdom | Creating Titles for Your Artwork
Coming up with great titles for artwork can be a real drag. Many artists feel like it’s more work to come up with a title than it is to create…

What Would You Do? The Client Who Won’t Finish Paying
I received the following email from an artist: [Last] year, a collector came to my studio and chose two paintings. The smaller work was priced at approx. $1100, the other…

How to Hang a Painting | A Free Guide From Xanadu Gallery
Introduction You’ve just purchased a spectacular painting. An artist spent years studying, refining his/her craft to create this masterpiece. A gallery went to great effort and expense to display the…

Collective Wisdom | The Artists Who Won’t Go Away While I’m Trying to Sell
On RedDotBlog, we’ve often talked about different scenarios in which you might be trying to sell your work. For many of you the opportunity will come at an open studio…

Protecting Creativity: A Story of Art and Copyright Infringement
As the owner of Xanadu Gallery, I often come across stories of artists facing challenges in their creative journeys. We represent one such artist at Xanadu Gallery, Elisabeth Ladwig, whose…

How to Ship Paintings | A Step-by-Step Guide for Artists and Galleries
Paintings are both fragile and valuable and can prove a perplexing challenge to ship safely and efficiently. Read this free, step-by-step guide from Xanadu Gallery owner J. Jason Horejs to learn how to best approach the shipping process so that your artwork arrives safely. Learn tools, techniques and tricks Horejs has acquired during his 20 years in the gallery business.

Collective Wisdom | What to Do with Older, Unsold Artwork
I’m not sure why, but I’ve recently received a lot of questions from artists wondering what to do with older, unsold artwork. Storing old artwork can become a huge challenge,…

Should Artists Put Their Art on Greeting Cards? | Collective Wisdom
I recently received this question from a RedDotBlog reader: I have been earning a living solely from my art for more than 25 years and much of my income before…