Ask a Gallery Owner | Fine Art Vs. Decorative Art?

I recently received an email that is reflective of a number of comments and questions I’ve seen on our social media pages and in emails. Many artists have wondered what…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Should Artists Brag About Their Sales?

I received the following question from a reader in Calgary: I have a burning question for you. I have discussed it with other artist friends, but I would like to…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: The Pitfalls of Dating Your Artwork

In this video, I discuss the pros and cons of dating your artwork. I argue that for artists who are seeking to promote and sell their work, dates don‘t offer…

Gallery commission

Ask a Gallery Owner | Why Do Galleries Get Such High Commissions?

“I won’t work with galleries. The commission is too high!” I frequently hear some variation of this statement as I am conversing with artists. You’ve probably heard fellow artists say…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: Dealing with Different Consignment Percentages

In this Ask a Gallery Owner session, I discuss pricing art and how to maintain consistency across different venues. I share my thoughts on why it‘s important to keep the…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: The truth about gallery commissions and how they affect pricing

This week I discuss pricing artwork for galleries. I suggest that the retail value of the artwork should be consistent no matter where the artwork is selling. I talk about…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Should I Include Negative or Depressing Details of My Life in My Biography?

If you’ve been following me for long, you know that I am a huge advocate of the artist biography. I feel a well-written, nicely laid-out biography is a powerful tool…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: Will a Gallery Owner Help Me Price My Art?

If you’re an artist looking to get your work into galleries, it’s important to do your research and price your work accordingly. However, even if your pricing isn’t quite where…

Ask a Gallery Owner | How Should I Respond to a Client Who Wants Me to Create Something Way Outside My Style?

I recently received the following question from an artist: I was hanging artwork the other day at a doctor’s office. The doctor’s wife loved the pieces I had chosen and…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: How Quickly Do You Decide Whether to Include an Artist In your Gallery?

In this week’s session, I discuss whether or not it is necessary to tell galleries that you are approaching other galleries and how long it takes for a gallery owner…