The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Artistic Consistency for a Successful Art Career
Artistic consistency is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of an artist’s career. This consistency allows an artist to create a body of work that is easily recognizable and distinctly…

Does an Art Education Matter?
Whenever I’m talking to artists about their biographies or resumes, the question of art education, or lack thereof, often comes up. Artists who have completed extensive academic training want to know how best to leverage that training to build their credibility. Artists who don’t have formal training, want to know if it will hurt their prospects for gallery representation and sales.

To Title or Not to Title Your Art, That Is the Question
Last week I received an email from an artist asking about titling her work. This is one of the more common topics I discuss with artists. I understand that titling your artwork can become tiresome, and many artists feel that a title can get in the way of the artwork.
Do titles really matter? Can the wrong title prevent you from selling your artwork? Can the right title guarantee a sale? While the issue may seem like a minor one, it is an issue you will be dealing with constantly over the course of your career.
I am an advocate of titling artwork, and I feel titling deserves investment of time and thought – from my perspective in the gallery I see that titles matter to potential buyers.
Read my conversation thread with the artist below, and then share your thoughts about titles in the comments below. How do you feel about titles? How do you come up with your titles? Your experience input and opinion are of tremendous value in adding to the collective knowledge available to other artists who read the blog.

Should Artists Present Artwork in Bins at Art Shows, or is it a Distraction?
In the comments on a recent post about giving buyers too many choices, artist Eric Saint Georges asked, In a show: What about the bins? Would you also limit the…

Ask a Gallery Owner | How Do I Thank a Customer when a Gallery Made the Sale?
I encourage artists to create positive relationships with buyers by sending thank you notes and keeping in touch. But how can you do that if you’re selling through galleries that…

Ask a Gallery Owner | The Pros and Cons of Artist Owned and Operated Galleries
In the past, I’ve discussed different models for galleries: traditional commercial galleries (consignment), co-op galleries, and “vanity” galleries. A recent email reminded me that there’s another variant of the traditional…

Ask a Gallery Owner: What Advice Would You Give to Someone About to Open a Gallery?
I regularly receive emails from readers who are considering opening art galleries. These prospective gallery owners are looking for any insights or advice I might offer. I’m happy to help…

What Would You Do? | Turning a Casual Encounter into an Art Buying Opportunity
Recently I received a great question from an artist regarding the challenge of giving a new acquaintance an opportunity to buy her art without coming off as pushy or creating…

Choice Overload | Cramming in too Much Art Hurts your Sales
I have long maintained that it’s a bad idea to try and show too much art at once. Whether the art is being shown in a gallery, or at a weekend art festival, I believe it’s better to show a limited number of pieces instead of trying to cram everything you can into your space.
I believe that having too much art in one space hurts you in several ways. First, it makes your display look crowded and unprofessional. Most art needs some space to breathe. Your display will look better if each piece has its own visual space.

Becoming a Better Art Salesperson | Restating Questions and Objections
The typical reaction to a question or objection raised by a potential customer is to try and provide an immediate answer. After gaining some sales experience, you will have heard all the questions and objections, and will have a ready answer for each. I would encourage you to resist the temptation to blurt out an immediate answer, and instead restate your client’s question or objection in your own words. This is a simple thing to do once you get the hang of it, but you will be amazed at how much it impacts your ability to help your customer solve her own questions or perceived problems. That’s a real key – helping your client solve her own problems, instead of trying to solve them for her.