3 Tips to Help You Better Follow Up with Art Buyers and Make More Sales

Case 1: Last summer, I had a woman come into the gallery after having received a copy of our Art Catalogue. She and her husband were nearing the end of…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Succeeding with Exhibitions of your Art in Local Venues

In this week’s Ask a Gallery Owner we’ll talk about maximizing sales when showing your work in local venues and exhibits. View Paola Bueso’s art at paolabuesoart.com   

Selling Art | Words that Make a Difference

Several weeks ago, I struck up a conversation with a gentleman who was visiting the gallery and was fascinated with the art gallery business. He is a business owner himself…

Creating Experiences and Telling Stories to Sell More Art

One afternoon, a couple walked into the gallery and headed straight for a wall of the artist Guilloume’s work. I greeted the couple and learned they had been following Guilloume…

Ask a Gallery Owner: Let’s Talk Framing

In this week’s live session I’ll answer a question about the best way to frame artwork. Framing can be a real challenge. Watch as I share several key considerations for…

RedDot Podcast | Saying Goodbye to a Gallery

A lot of my writing and podcasting is about the process of preparing to present your work to galleries and about how to establish relationships with gallery owners. In today’s…

Quick Art Marketing Tip | Request a Photo of Artwork Recently Purchased

I’ve written extensively about the process of selling art – everything from building relationships to following up and closing the sale. Today, I’m going to share a simple tip that…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Artists’ Signatures

In this week’s session we’ll discuss artists’ signatures and the potential benefits and pitfalls of holding promotional sales of artwork. Click here to watch this week’s episode Be sure and…

Persistence | How We Overcame the Odds and Critical Challenges to Build a Successful Art Business

Over the last several weeks, I’ve had several conversations with artists who were feeling despondent about their business prospects. Though each had a different set of specific challenges, the general…

Artists, Where Did You Learn the Value of Hard Work?

Over the last several weeks, I’ve been writing about the hard work and discipline it takes to create art. From what I’ve heard from readers, and what I’ve observed as I’ve interacted with artists, you all are a hard-working group of individuals!

This series of posts has had me thinking a lot about work ethic and the hard work it takes to make a successful career.  I’ve reflected on how I learned to work, and I’ve wondered if I’m doing enough to instill a love of hard work in my children.

How I Learned to Work Hard

I am very grateful to my parents for instilling in me a love of hard work. My dad, who is a painter, and my mother, who has worked as his business manager since he first began his career, are two of the hardest working people I know. They have labored tirelessly to build my father’s career since the late 1970’s. Their example alone would have given me a great perspective on the value of hard work, but they went much further to teach me first-hand the value of work.