Should Artists Show Their Art in “Vanity” Galleries?
In a recent interview, I was asked where I saw the art gallery business going in the next ten years. This is a very interesting question and could have resulted…

VIDEO: A Moment in Art History | The Boating Party – What Inspired Mary Cassatt’s Famous Painting?
The Boating Party is one of the most famous paintings by American-born artist Mary Cassatt, who lived in France for most of her career. In this Moment in Art History,…

RedDot Podcast | An Interview with Franny Moyle, Author of Turner: The Extraordinary Life and Momentous Times of J.M.W. Turner
An interview with Franny Moyle, Author of Turner: the Extraordinary Life and Momentous Times of JMW Turner. I picked up Franny’s biography on Turner earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed learning…

Debate: Should You Include a Date on Your Artwork?
Many of you who have been following me will know that I discourage artists from including dates on their artwork. Recently, I received the following email from the curator of a museum:…

A Moment in Art history: Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting by Artemisia Gentileschi – what do self-portraits reveal about artists?
Many famous artists have painted self-portraits, but today we’ll talk about a self-portrait by Baroque artist Artemisia Gentileschi that employs powerful symbolism to give the viewer deep insights into the…

The Gallery Owner Who Cooled Off
A question from a reader: I recently moved to a completely new place and as my life and my visual input changed, so did my work. I started a couple…

Working Alone | Breaking the Isolation that Can Surround the Pursuit of Art
Recently I had a conversation with an artist from Montana about overcoming the isolation that can come with working as an artist in a small community. As we corresponded I realized…

VIDEO: A Moment in Art History: Mark Rothko’s Seagram Murals – A Dramatic Commission Cancellation
It was the opportunity of a lifetime: an enormous commission for a well-known company’s high-class dining space. In today’s Moment in Art History, we’ll talk about the commission’s dramatic cancellation…

Reflecting on a Year of Art Sales: Trends, Insights, and Lessons
Now that we’ve entered January 2025, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on Xanadu Gallery’s sales performance over the past 12 months. This annual exercise is not just about reviewing…

Ask A Gallery Owner | Is a Recovery Possible After Getting Off to a Poor Start with a Gallery Owner?
Much of what I write on the blog and in my books is aimed to help artists better work with galleries. There probably could, and should, be as much written…