Becoming a Better Art Salesperson | Restating Questions and Objections

The typical reaction to a question or objection raised by a potential customer is to try and provide an immediate answer. After gaining some sales experience, you will have heard all the questions and objections, and will have a ready answer for each. I would encourage you to resist the temptation to blurt out an immediate answer, and instead restate your client’s question or objection in your own words. This is a simple thing to do once you get the hang of it, but you will be amazed at how much it impacts your ability to help your customer solve her own questions or perceived problems. That’s a real key – helping your client solve her own problems, instead of trying to solve them for her.

Ask A Gallery Owner | Should I Include a Couple of Sentences about Art on My Site?

The Question: I know you are very busy and unable to answer all questions. If possible however I would like to know your feelings re: Putting a 2 or 3…

Create a Mobile Art Hanging/Installation Kit

I’ve written before about how much I enjoy having the opportunity to install art in clients’ homes. Installations are a great opportunity to provide customer service and build relationships with…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Does an Artist’s Death Result in an Increase in the Value of that Artist’s Work?

There’s an old, morbid joke that in order for an artist to see a significant increase in the value of her work, all she has to do is die. Underlying…

Special Report: Xanadu Gallery Sales Trends for the 2023-’24 Season

This past season at Xanadu Gallery has defied the notion that the art market is in terrible shape. Despite widespread concerns about economic challenges and a sluggish market, our experiences…

Missed sale

Ask a Gallery Owner | Getting Back in Touch with a Client Who Missed out on a Sale

It’s not uncommon to have clients who are slow to make a decision. You follow up and express willingness to help them acquire the art. However, while they may still…

Discussion: Are Promotional Sales Appropriate in the Art World?

Recently, I received an email from an artist announcing her “End of the Season Sale.” According to the email, this is the fifth consecutive year she has held the sale….

RedDot Podcast | Episode 022 | An Interview with Ninth Street Women Author Mary Gabriel

Many of you know that I love art history and deeply enjoy reading about the artists who made  history. Earlier in the year I had a number of you reach…

Introducing Yourself to New Clients

I’ve observed that many artists, even those who have been selling their art for years, can sometimes find the process of meeting a new client a bit awkward. The first few moments when you are meeting someone new at an art show or a gallery opening are important – we want to get off on the right foot. The importance of this moment can put a little pressure on you, and sometimes, instead of getting off on that right foot, you end up putting that foot right in your mouth! Or worse, I’ve seen many artists and salespeople who don’t make any introduction at all. Instead they say something like “Hi, let me know if you have any questions.”

remind clients about payments

Ask a Gallery Owner | Follow up with a Client Who Has Failed to Make Payments

I received the following email from an artist who was in the awkward situation of having sold a piece to a collector and agreeing to a payment plan, only to…