Reflecting on a Year of Art Sales: Trends, Insights, and Lessons

Now that we’ve entered January 2025, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on Xanadu Gallery’s sales performance over the past 12 months. This annual exercise is not just about reviewing…

Embracing the Journey: Refocusing on Process and Systems in the Art World

As a passionate runner, I find myself outdoors, navigating the trails of Phoenix 3-4 times a week, covering 3-5 miles each time. There’s something invigorating about the fresh air and…

Embracing AI in the Art World: Introducing Theobot

As someone deeply ingrained in the art world, I’ve seen firsthand how technology can be a game-changer. I witnessed the advent of the internet, online galleries, and social media. Today,…

Book Review | Leo & His Circle – The Life of Leo Castelli by Annie Cohen-Solal

After World War II, the center of gravity in the art world shifted from the European capitals to New York. Abstract Expressionism was about to burst onto the scene, followed…

Introducing Yourself to New Clients

I’ve observed that many artists, even those who have been selling their art for years, can sometimes find the process of meeting a new client a bit awkward. The first few moments when you are meeting someone new at an art show or a gallery opening are important – we want to get off on the right foot. The importance of this moment can put a little pressure on you, and sometimes, instead of getting off on that right foot, you end up putting that foot right in your mouth! Or worse, I’ve seen many artists and salespeople who don’t make any introduction at all. Instead they say something like “Hi, let me know if you have any questions.”

Art Salesmanship (Is that a Dirty Word?) | Xanadu Gallery’s Art Marketing Minute

Salesmanship has a bit of a bad name in the art world. As a gallery owner, I know that many artists look at what I do with suspicion. They suspect that I use underhanded methods and pressure to compel the unwilling to buy art.

They think that the selling process somehow taints the purity of art.

I’m convinced that this disdain artists feel toward salesmanship stems from a fundamental misunderstanding about what the sales process is, and what’s really happening when I sell a piece of art.

Are Virtual Art Spaces the Future of the Art World? | The Virtual Online Museum of Art

Earlier this year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s first completely virtual art museum, VOMA (Virtual Online Museum of Art), opened its “doors.” More recently available on…

The AI Revolution: Why ChatGPT is the Sidekick Every Artist Needs

We’ve heard quite a bit about AI over the last several months. News outlets have been generating a steady stream of stories with subtle headlines like Is AI coming for…

RedDot Podcast | An Interview with Canadian Artist Ashley Anne Clark

Artist Ashley Anne Clark lives on remote Prince Edward Island in Canada’s maritime provinces. Clark focuses on wildlife subject-matter and shows her work in galleries in Canada and the United…

Artists: Are you Consistent? A Gallery Owner’s Perspective

How Developing a Strong Style and Laser-Like Focus is One of the Most Important Things You Can Do for Your Fine Art Career A number of years ago, I was…