Art Salesmanship (Is that a Dirty Word?) | Xanadu Gallery’s Art Marketing Minute

Salesmanship has a bit of a bad name in the art world. As a gallery owner, I know that many artists look at what I do with suspicion. They suspect that I use underhanded methods and pressure to compel the unwilling to buy art.

They think that the selling process somehow taints the purity of art.

I’m convinced that this disdain artists feel toward salesmanship stems from a fundamental misunderstanding about what the sales process is, and what’s really happening when I sell a piece of art.

Are Virtual Art Spaces the Future of the Art World? | The Virtual Online Museum of Art

Earlier this year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s first completely virtual art museum, VOMA (Virtual Online Museum of Art), opened its “doors.” More recently available on…

The AI Revolution: Why ChatGPT is the Sidekick Every Artist Needs

We’ve heard quite a bit about AI over the last several months. News outlets have been generating a steady stream of stories with subtle headlines like Is AI coming for…

RedDot Podcast | An Interview with Canadian Artist Ashley Anne Clark

Artist Ashley Anne Clark lives on remote Prince Edward Island in Canada’s maritime provinces. Clark focuses on wildlife subject-matter and shows her work in galleries in Canada and the United…

Artists: Are you Consistent? A Gallery Owner’s Perspective

How Developing a Strong Style and Laser-Like Focus is One of the Most Important Things You Can Do for Your Fine Art Career A number of years ago, I was…

Podcast | Finding Success Selling Art on Facebook – An Interview with Robert MacGinnis

Many artists wonder if marketing art on Facebook is a viable strategy. Oregon artist Robert MacGinnis, who describes himself as “old school,” was reluctant to sign up for Facebook when…

Art Market Insights: Reflecting on 2023 and Embracing 2024

At Xanadu Gallery, we’ve been navigating the ebbs and flows of the art market for nearly two and a half decades. The journey through 2023 was as enlightening as it…

Art Sales on Social Media: An Update on Our Progress

In the fall of 2022, I embarked on an ambitious journey into the world of social media advertising. It was uncharted territory for me, a dive into the vast ocean…

Jason Featured on the Spiritual Artist Podcast

  In this engaging podcast, host CJ Miller sits down with Jason Horejs, the seasoned gallery owner of Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona, and the art business educator behind the…

The Benefits and Challenges of Marketing Your Art Through Social Media

In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook, and within a few years, a revolution had taken place online. Within a decade, nearly the entire planet had joined Facebook and other services…