Mastering the Art of Pricing: Common Mistakes and Winning Strategies for Artists
Pricing artwork is one of the most challenging aspects of an artist’s career. It’s not just about assigning a dollar amount—it’s about conveying the value of your work to potential…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: Dealing with Different Consignment Percentages
In this Ask a Gallery Owner session, I discuss pricing art and how to maintain consistency across different venues. I share my thoughts on why it‘s important to keep the…

How to Stop Procrastinating Art Business Tasks
I have strong procrastination tendencies – I sometimes think that if it weren’t for the last possible moment, I wouldn’t get anything done. Better time management and organization have helped…

Video – Ask a Gallery Owner: The truth about gallery commissions and how they affect pricing
This week I discuss pricing artwork for galleries. I suggest that the retail value of the artwork should be consistent no matter where the artwork is selling. I talk about…

Breaking the Local Artist Myth: How Galleries Really Choose Their Roster
A question I often hear from artists is whether galleries focus exclusively on local talent. This isn’t just a common question among artists; even some collectors assume that a gallery’s…

Book Review | Leo & His Circle – The Life of Leo Castelli by Annie Cohen-Solal
After World War II, the center of gravity in the art world shifted from the European capitals to New York. Abstract Expressionism was about to burst onto the scene, followed…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Should I Include Negative or Depressing Details of My Life in My Biography?
If you’ve been following me for long, you know that I am a huge advocate of the artist biography. I feel a well-written, nicely laid-out biography is a powerful tool…

Whistler’s Mother – Do the Artist’s Intentions Matter?
Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1 In my first Moments in Art History video, I talked about American Gothic, one of the most iconic paintings in American history. Whistler’s…

Staying Resilient: How the 2024 Election Impacts the Art Market (and What Artists Should Do Next)
Several weeks ago, I shared my thoughts on why keeping politics out of your art business can be a sound strategy. While I still believe this approach helps maintain focus…

How to Follow Up and Close More Art Sales
I’ve mentioned before that we don’t hand out photos or brochures in the gallery. Instead, when a potential client is leaving without making a purchase, we take the opportunity to…