How to Work with Difficult Customers
There are times when sales come easily. The stars align and you have the right piece for the right person at the right time and everything clicks together. You and…

Ask A Gallery Owner | Making Square Inch Pricing Work for Smaller Pieces
If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I highly recommend pricing based on size, generally square inches. But what if you do work in both large and…

Ask A Gallery Owner | To sign or not to sign . . . that is the question
In the following email exchange, I answer an artist’s question about visible signatures on art – what’s your opinion? Post in the comments. Jason, I’m so glad you were a…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Should Artists Seek an Agent to Represent Them?
I recently received the following email asking about artists’ agents: Dear Jason, I have joined a discussion line on LinkedIn and we are discussing the pros and cons of hiring…

Marketing Boost – Offer to Clean Past Client’s Artwork
One of your biggest enemies in building strong relationships with collectors is time. Your customers may never stop liking you and your work, but they may instead do something far…

Ask A Gallery Owner | What to Do when You Ask for the Sale and Get a “No”
You’re talking to a potential buyer who seems head over heals for one of your pieces. Your conversation is going well, so you decide to take the leap and ask…

Ask a Gallery Owner | How Do I Thank a Customer when a Gallery Made the Sale?
I encourage artists to create positive relationships with buyers by sending thank you notes and keeping in touch. But how can you do that if you’re selling through galleries that…

What Would You Do? | Turning a Casual Encounter into an Art Buying Opportunity
Recently I received a great question from an artist regarding the challenge of giving a new acquaintance an opportunity to buy her art without coming off as pushy or creating…

Ask A Gallery Owner | Should I Include a Couple of Sentences about Art on My Site?
The Question: I know you are very busy and unable to answer all questions. If possible however I would like to know your feelings re: Putting a 2 or 3…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Getting Back in Touch with a Client Who Missed out on a Sale
It’s not uncommon to have clients who are slow to make a decision. You follow up and express willingness to help them acquire the art. However, while they may still…