Marketing art

Debate: Is Selling & Marketing Your Art Akin to Prostitution?

In my article Artists, Are you Consistent? I have asserted that an artist whose work is more consistent is more likely to experience sales and gallery success. While most of…

Paul Gauguin: A Life

Book Review | Paul Gauguin: A Life by David Sweetman

David Sweetman’s Paul Gauguin: A Life is a little hard to come by (must not have sold well). I happened across it in our local library a few years ago and…

Gallery commission

Ask a Gallery Owner | Why Do Galleries Get Such High Commissions?

“I won’t work with galleries. The commission is too high!” I frequently hear some variation of this statement as I am conversing with artists. You’ve probably heard fellow artists say…

Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating Art Business Tasks

I have strong procrastination tendencies – I sometimes think that if it weren’t for the last possible moment, I wouldn’t get anything done. Better time management and organization have helped…

Follow up

How to Follow Up and Close More Art Sales

I’ve mentioned before that we don’t hand out photos or brochures in the gallery. Instead, when a potential client is leaving without making a purchase, we take the opportunity to…

Difficult customers

How to Work with Difficult Customers

There are times when sales come easily. The stars align and you have the right piece for the right person at the right time and everything clicks together. You and…

Lee Krasner: A Biography

Recording: Interview with Gail Levin | Author of Lee Krasner: A Biography

If you haven’t had a chance to read Gail Levin’s book about Lee Krasner, I would highly recommend it. I would like to thank Ms. Levin again for sharing her…

4 Critical Steps to Sell More Art

“What do you do?” you’ve been asked many times. “I am an artist” is most likely the response that instantly comes to your lips. You have probably been giving this…

Square inch pricing

Ask A Gallery Owner | Making Square Inch Pricing Work for Smaller Pieces

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I highly recommend pricing based on size, generally square inches. But what if you do work in both large and…

Artist signature

Ask A Gallery Owner | To sign or not to sign . . . that is the question

In the following email exchange, I answer an artist’s question about visible signatures on art – what’s your opinion? Post in the comments. Jason, I’m so glad you were a…