RedDot Podcast | An Interview with Franny Moyle, Author of Turner: The Extraordinary Life and Momentous Times of J.M.W. Turner
An interview with Franny Moyle, Author of Turner: the Extraordinary Life and Momentous Times of JMW Turner. I picked up Franny’s biography on Turner earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed learning…

RedDot Podcast | Episode 022 | An Interview with Ninth Street Women Author Mary Gabriel
Many of you know that I love art history and deeply enjoy reading about the artists who made history. Earlier in the year I had a number of you reach…

Ask a Gallery Owner | How Should I Respond When a Potential Buyer Asks “Is Art A Good Investment?”
In this week’s session I discuss how to respond when an art buyer asks “Is art a good investment?” It’s important to be careful when answering a question like this….

RedDot Podcast | An Interview with Sculptor Paige Bradley
Sculptor Paige Bradley draws inspiration from relationships and an inner dialog about the human form. Bradley now works out of a studio in Stamford, Connecticut, but in the past she’s…

Ask a Gallery Owner | How Long Does it Take Artwork to Sell?
In this episode, I answer a question about how long, on average, it takes for artwork to sell out of my gallery. Spoiler: it’s hard to say! The pace of…

RedDot Podcast | An Interview with Canadian Artist Ashley Anne Clark
Artist Ashley Anne Clark lives on remote Prince Edward Island in Canada’s maritime provinces. Clark focuses on wildlife subject-matter and shows her work in galleries in Canada and the United…

Video | Artists & Galleries: You Aren’t Sending Your Newsletter to Clients Frequently Enough | Ask a Gallery Owner
An e-newsletter can be a great tool to build relationships with clients and to increase your sales, but only if you send it out regularly. Leave Your Comments and…

Ask a Gallery Owner | Succeeding with Exhibitions of your Art in Local Venues
In this week’s Ask a Gallery Owner we’ll talk about maximizing sales when showing your work in local venues and exhibits. View Paola Bueso’s art at paolabuesoart.com

Ask a Gallery Owner: Let’s Talk Framing
In this week’s live session I’ll answer a question about the best way to frame artwork. Framing can be a real challenge. Watch as I share several key considerations for…

RedDot Podcast | Saying Goodbye to a Gallery
A lot of my writing and podcasting is about the process of preparing to present your work to galleries and about how to establish relationships with gallery owners. In today’s…